C (90/301)

From:Allan Odgaard
Date:09 Aug 99 at 23:52:34
Subject:Re: ClipBlit and reversing images

From: Allan Odgaard <Duff@DIKU.DK>

On 09-Aug-99, Darryl Hartwig wrote:

> [...] When I use a PicassoIV screenmode of 800x600x3 deep,
> the reversed colours are all black - not good!
> Any idea why and how to fix?

Even when you limit the depth to 3 then you can still get a high or true colour
I did a DisplayBeepPatch for P96 where I needed to flash the screen and used:
RectFill(rp, 0, 0, width-1, height-1);
This EOR every pixel. which I assume is what you want.

> I'm using ASL library screenmode requester to select the
> screen modes, and I have mindepth and maxdepth set to 3
> (but not displayed on the requester).

uhh... as I've vaguely stated before - I just love these programs which make
assumptions about how I want to use them ;-) If you screen is a public screen
then I'd definetely open other programs on it, like MUI programs which with my
setup require more than 8 colours. If it's private then I love the program
even more... 8-)

> I'm cloning my WB screen, which is 800x600x16, but setting
> the new screen to be 3 deep.

And that'd give you a 16 bit screen, but with a pseudo palette with 8 entries.

Regards Allan

URL: http://www.DIKU.dk/students/duff/

Success is like a fart - only your own smells nice.
-- James P. Hogan